Favor in Beauty: The Podcast

[EP. 4] Take Advantage of Your Single Season: The Beauty of Being Alone

Jenaé Harrington Season 1 Episode 4

Welcome to the good life... the single life! Even if only for a season, being single can be liberating in so many ways. In this episode of Favor in Beauty: The Podcast, Jenaé talks about how living life on her own terms has led to self-discovery and personal freedom. Who said alone equals unfulfilled? They've got it all wrong!

:47 - Episode 3 Recap
1:30 - Beauty is Their Name
3:00 - The Chair
28:45 - The Beauty Secret

▶️ Watch this week's episode on YouTube and don't forget to subscribe!


The Perry's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WithThePerrys
💡Article mentioned: https://www.verywellhealth.com/grounding-7494652
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