Favor in Beauty: The Podcast

[EP. 3] Fear Is Not A Factor: The Beauty of Boldness

Jenaé Harrington

This week on Favor in Beauty: The Podcast, Jenaé discusses her experiences with fear (+symptoms of social anxiety), along with the very real impacts to progress. She also shares practical ways to move from feeling debilitated by fear to empowered by promise. Enjoy!

:42 - Episode 2 Recap
2:05 - Beauty is Their Name
3:25 - The Chair
34:50 - The Beauty Secret

▶️ Watch this week's episode on YouTube and don't forget to subscribe!


📧 Send an email: favorinbeautypod@gmail.com

☕️Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/heyjenae

🎶Playlist mentioned: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ucnSRJuiOwzqUYCwdZGrU?si=3SW-C1LDQBKNutjZMYLcAQ 

💡Article mentioned: https://www.healthline.com/health/does-crying-burn-calories#how-many-calories-do-you-burn-crying