Favor in Beauty: The Podcast

[EP. 2] Evict Them From Your Head & Heart: The Beauty of Forgiveness

Jenaé Harrington Season 1 Episode 2

This week on Favor in Beauty: The Podcast, Jenaé talks about how letting go of anger and bitterness contributed to her overall wellbeing and produced more meaningful connections with her family. Forgiveness can be hard, but absolutely possible when you choose to no longer allow folks to live in your head AND heart... rent free.

5:08 - Beauty Is Their Name
8:12 -  The Chair
30:30 - The Beauty Secret 

▶️ Watch this week's episode here and don't forget to subscribe! https://youtu.be/CfOyHNQ6hi4?si=0xpMgCMDBEt8vM3r

📧 Send an email: favorinbeautypod@gmail.com

💄Products mentioned: 2% BHA Exfoliant + Face Scrubber 

☕️Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/heyjenae


Core Values - Forgiveness | ChosenRVA 8.13.23

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